The Research Platform “Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society” (RaT) calls emerging scholars for contributions related to the following panels of the conference “Rethinking Europe with(out) Religion” (Vienna (Juridcum), 20.2.-23.2.2013):
1. Secular und post secular Europe – perspectives of philosophy.
2. Secular and post secular Europe – perspectives of sociology.
3. Plural Europe as touchstone of religions.
4. The contributions of religion to the “Project Europe” (Resources, Visions, Utopias).
5. The European experience: Politics and Religion in Eastern Europe after the iron curtain.
“If it is true that Europe is more than an “economic challenge” and that it needs a “soul” (Jacques Delors) – can religions contribute to such a European soul? What could such contribution look like, when taking into consideration a growing pluralism? What are the resources, the visions and utopias of the three monotheistic religions with regard to the “Project Europe”. What are the barriers? And what contribution could be expected from non-traditional forms of religion?”
The research questions can be approached from the different disciplines which are represented in the Research Platform RaT: Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, Psychology of Religion, Political Sciences, Sociology, Law. Abstracts will be submitted to a review process. Successful authors will be asked to submit a full version of their paper. Eight papers will be presented at the conference. The accommodation and travel expenses of their authors will be covered by RaT. Please send your Paper to: [email protected].
Abstracts: Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15.10.2012. Length of abstracts: maximum 1.000 words. Accepted languages: German, English. Papers: Deadline for submission of papers: 08.02.2013. Length of papers: Presentation in maximum 20 minutes. Accepted languages: German, English.
Contact: Universität Wien, Research Platform: Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society, Schenkenstraße 8-10, 1010 Vienna, Austria. T: +43-1-4277-238 03. F: +43-1-4277-9238.
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